1. At the moment Apple version is not planned because
      – I have to see the feedbacks about the current versions before that
      – an Apple version is the most effort needed to me (registration fee, device cost, learning curve\time)
      (but you can indicate the need of an Apple version if you send donate with an “Apple” note to my PayPal account)

    1. It is depends on your 3D display, it basically uses the side by side technology (most of the 3D display support that kind of 3D tech) and you can see the game then any other media on your 3D display.
      e.g: if you have LG then you can use the passive glasses, if you have Samsung 3D display you can us your active glasses and if you have a 3D display that not require glasses then you can use the app without glasses
      (by the way if you want to practice cross eyed technic then you can use without 3D glass but I think the best if you use a 3D display with the proper assets)

  1. Thanks for the reply

    I think that, without glasses will have not a therapeutic effect. The good eye will also see the pieces on the ground. Is not it?

    There is a version for pc with windows 7?

    The android version is available without ads?

    1. If you have a 3D display that not require glasses then equally good then a passive or active glasses equiped 3D display.
      (or if you think crossed eye version (without 3D display) then it will only help those skills then any oher crossed eye image exercises)
      No Windows 7 version is not planned.
      An Android version without ads will be avaliable in a couple of months.

  2. I think the best would be to play it on TV with gamepad because of the large field of view and therefore more and larger eye movements.

    Do you know how the original experiment was done by researchers; using mobile, tablet, computer or TV?

    1. I think we can play with the display size, smaller screen easier larger screen as a harder therapy.
      And yes gamepad can be useful I use that way also with http://joytokey.net
      They published that they used mobile and special glasses with tow separate display attached to glasses

      1. Yes it is easier if you start with a smaller screen and when you comfortable with that screen you can step forward to a bigger screen

  3. Hi Folks.

    from what I have read and heard, the treatment works best if you start with it close to the eyes, so a phone or tablet version is best, especially at the beginning.

    I am waiting for the coloured glasses to arrive so that my son can try this, but I have high hopes.

    An iPhone version would be great to see too.


    1. Windows 7 version is not planned.
      But if you want to keep your Win 7 and also try out the Win 8 Lazy Eye Tetris you can easily virtualize a Win 8 enviroment with the free and easy to use Virtualbox virtualization tool

  4. I am unclear about how the 3D glasses are used. Are they plain 3D or electronic glasses. Examples…? 🙂 Thanks!

  5. Just download Lazy Eye Tetris 3D for Windows 8 will try it soon. Have tried the Android version on my Sony Xperia Z Ultra but cannot find the save setting button as it show in Windows Phone version. Is it because of my phone’s resolution (1920 x 1080) or it does not have one as the Windows Phones version?

    Thank You

      1. I have tried Lazy Eye Tetris 3D on 23″ Samsung 3D Monitor and 47″ LG 3D monitor with side-by-side 3D setting. Both work fine but the game panel change from vertical rectangle to square panel and I have to switch L/R to R/L on Samsung monitor to get my right eye to see the falling block while do nothing on LG monitor.

        However, I have problem of setting the two colors 3D glasses with Lazy Eye Tetris for Android with my Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and Sony Xperia Z Ultra. I tried to follow the instruction after select the colors for each side (blue/red and also red/green) and adjust the color which will make me don’t see left label with my left eye (while closing my right eye) and don’t see right label with my right eye (while closing my left eye) as suggested by the instruction. The result I got when playing the game was I cannot see both falling block and landed block which I suppose to see the falling block with one eye (my lazy eye) and landed block with the other. Did I miss understand the instruction (caused by my poor English) or have done something wrong.

        Thank You

      2. Hi,
        when you switch to 3D then the display ratio changing to align to proper 3D display and in case of the panel the square is what you have to see, so this is correct.
        Yes you can change the two side as you need but please explain what you mean under the LG don nothing, not change up the two sides? Can you make a screenshot maybe and send me to my contact mail?
        I got feedback about issues with Xperia Z Ultra I will check in the near future. If you can’t see both the falling and landing block that means you have to make easier the game a bit small screen size and you have to be close to the screen and probably you will notice both of them and try different angles. But if can’t see with these instructions then I suggest to try to do for 2-3 weeks easier Vision Therapy exercises like brock string to (you can find many here: http://seeinstereo.wordpress.com/) and after 2-3 weeks come back to the Tetris and it should be easier. If you have any other questions please feel free to ask and if you are a beginner in Vision Therapy please allow me to suggest you a good facebook group where many people try to help each other with their experiences: https://www.facebook.com/groups/559654807444686/

  6. I would like to apologize for misunderstanding the instruction for adjusting the two colors 3D glasses. It won’t work because I didn’t use the color picker to adjust the color (since I don’t know what it is) but used the horizontal slider to fading the color I chose instead of choosing the right color by color picker to fade the left and right label as suggested by the instruction. I now can adjust the two color 3D glasses though not completely success because it needs time to learn more.

    In case of Lazy Eye Tetris 3D, Samsung monitor, I have to switch from L/R to R/L in Side-By-Side 3D setting because in L/R mode my right eye (lazy eye) see the landed block instead of falling block and vice versa. Changing to R/L mode making my right eye see the falling block and my left eye see the landed block. For LG monitor, with the LG’s default Side-By-Side setting my right eye see the falling block and my left eye see the landed block from the start. I don’t know that LG monitor can switch from L/R to R/L or not
    because I didn’t see any setting to switch between L/R to R/L or maybe it does has but I don’t know.

    P.S. the device I used with two color 3D glasses mentioned above is Sony Xperia Z Ultra and the 3D glasses is Red/Green. I will try the other colors tomorrow.

    Thank You

  7. I’ve searched for the lazy eye tetris on Google Play, and I can only find the lazy eye snake. Has the tetris been removed indefinitely?

  8. Are there any experience reports on the web? I am quite surprised that I haven´t found any reports.

    Also, why haven´t there been any further news from the McGill University or other universities that wanted to conduct further studies. Except for the newspaper articels and videos from about a year ago, one cannot find much.

  9. How, exactly, do I get this onto my lg smart tv? It’s not listed in the “lg smart world” list of apps. Thanks!!

  10. Anyone can tell his experience after using the app for some weeks? Any visual improvement?


  11. I was realllyyy looking forward to downloading this….but just when i was about to download the android app it was asking for access to “phone calls…read phone status and identity” why is that necessary????

    1. Hi,
      the android version of the Lazy Eye Tetris include google ads and for these ads these permissions is a requirement as you can see in the privacy policy I do not use any from these informations at all.
      I hope I could help in your question.

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  13. Can you explain the need for the Android permissions?

    Why does it need my location, and why does it need Device ID & call information?

    1. Hi,
      of course:)
      the android version of the Lazy Eye Tetris include google ads and for these ads these permissions is a requirement as you can see in the privacy policy I do not use any from these informations at all.
      I hope I could help in your question.

  14. I see from the downloads Tetris is available on Windows 8. Is there a version for Windows 7? My son has a slightly turned right eye and in order to get it to work, the left eye was patched but only ended up with limited success. He is now 11 and would I would like to get him to try this to see if it will help.

    1. Windows 7 is not supported but you can try it on WIndows 8 (with a help of a virtualizatation software like virtualbox (search on google, easy to use)) or you can try it out on phones with windows phone or android operating systems

  15. Hi,how r ? To download the lazy eye tetris game on a cellular phone. The phone need windows 8 operating system.

  16. Can u download the lazy eye tetris game on apple iPhone. For beginners would u recommend using a bigger or smaller screen.

    1. At the moment iOS version is not supported.
      For a beginner a smaller screen is easier around an average phone screen 3,5′ – 4,0′.
      On an average monitor it is far more harder.

  17. I do have binoculair vision (and thus I can see depht), but I’m seeing double. My lazy eye can’t look at the exact same spot as my good eye. It wanders off to it’s ‘rest-position’.Will this game also help to reduce the double vision?

    1. Of course, it can help because double vision is just a side effect (when there is no suppression on the weak eye and you see the input from the weak eye too beside the correct signs) of the lazy eye

    1. You can use both they equivalent good the only differnece can be in the phone itself e.g.: display type, screen size where the best for phone in my experiences is an average 4″ large screen with an AMOLED display but you can use smaller or bigger screens and average LED display. I suggest to try it out on both systems (you can download free from both) and decide which fit to you better.

      1. I’m planning to use AT&T go windows phone Nokia lumia 520 or the at&t Go phone radiant Prepaid smartphone. Which one u prefer . Does it need amoled or led display. Would the LCD display work.

      2. Hi the two phone is very similar so choose which you like better.
        LCD and amoled both work but I found the amoled better so I would choose an amoled equiped phone.

      3. Why u prefer the amoled display over the LCD display? Any advantages or disadvantages. When will u see results for the amblyopia.

      4. It will be easier to setup the colors properly becuase the colors of the amoled is more intensive and stronger. I tried on amoled and lcd too so I experienced the difference too, lcd is good good but if you can then use with amoled:)

      5. Thanks, I’m try the LCD display first. Because the LCD display phones are more cheaper than the amoled display phones. If i have any problems, I leave u a message.

    1. At the moment Apple version is not planned because
      – I have to see the feedbacks about the current versions before that
      – an Apple version is the most effort needed to me (registration fee, device cost, learning curve\time)
      (but you can indicate the need of an Apple version if you send donate with an “Apple” note to my PayPal account)

  18. Hi what Is best Phone To Use At First , And Is 3-D Glass work with Phone ? And Do i Will Use Phone always OR there s next Step ? and do i wear 3-D Glass Over My Corrective glass And thank yOu 🙂

    1. Hi,
      I am still not able to play lazy eye app installed on my W8 machine. It has been more than a week already. Could you please tell me when the game is gonna back again?

      1. please if you have any problem with your already installed instances of the game and can’t run the application after the last update please uninstall and install again the application it will works as before
        and sorry for the inconveniences

  19. Hi,
    I have just installed both lazy eye games – tetris and snake. The first one works perfectly with xbox 360 gamepad but the other one (snake) does not. Is there any way to solve this? I use Nexus 7 tablet with Android. Thank you!

    1. sorry I have not tested the Android version with gamepad so I can not gurantee that it will works. So as your result show the snake not compatible with gamepad. Maybe you can search after touch gamepad mapping softwares if any exist but at the moemnt I can not setup that combo so I’m not supporting this sorry.

      1. Hi,
        Unfortunately, at the moment Apple version is not planned (at least in the near future) because
        – I have to see the feedbacks about the current versions before that
        – an Apple version is the most effort needed to me (registration fee, device cost, learning curve\time)
        (but you can indicate the need of an Apple version if you send donate with an “Apple” note to my PayPal account)

        yes I got several positive feedbacks about improvments but we have more time and result yet to provide a more complex solution.

    1. Yes, yes thanks for your message I saw that clever little stuff it would fit that game tipically and I am planning not in the very near future but I am planning a port to that cardboard or oculus rift or both platform.
      These various VR devices seems very promising for amblyopia and strabismus treatment in the future.

      1. Yes, please. That would be great. I haven’t the cardboard yet but the cardboard and Lazy Eye Tetris would be a very affordable combination.

  20. Can i use a 5.1 screen size phone or a 4.1 screen size ? Which would u prefer? Can I use the 3d glasses for a Samsung galaxy 5?

  21. I’ve been trying this for a few weeks now although I havnt been able too everyday I’m trying to hit it most days for at least an hour.

    So far I’ve noticed that when I’m using my bad eye to see falling blocks the problem isn’t identifying the shape. But rather I can’t make it land where I want in respect to blocks my good eye sees on the ground. Idk if this is normal or others experience any feedback would be good.
    Also I switched the color back grounds and tried seeing the block on the ground with my bad eye and its terrible I can’t land one line or even focus on the colors well.

    As my job depends on my eye sight magically getting from 20/400 to near perfect I’ll remain dedicated.

    Please make an ios version as I sold my iPhone just to use this app on an android and want to use the new 5.5 iPhone 6 lol

    1. Thank you for your feedback I’m glad to hear that!
      It is totally normal that you find hard to find the proper landing lines If it would be easy that would mean that your are pretty close to master the game and you already develped a pretty good eye cordination already but it takes a lot time and it will improve with time of course as your eyes team work improving.

      I can’t promise that an iOS version will be available in this year but I think in the next year I will publish one version to iOS too. (There is a chance that I will publish this year but I can not promise)

      Thanks for your feedback

      Best wishes,
      Balázs B.

  22. Hello,

    Has anyone actually improved his/her eyesight after playing this daily? And can you actually get your vision to 20/20 (or even close) by playing this?

    By the way, I dont have any kind of strabismus, I simply can not see well with my left eye. Will this affect the incomes of using this?

    1. Hi,
      I have got many positive feedback but of course you can not reach the whole steropsis with one app it iis a more more complex process. But at the moment this type of games can provide the best results. At the moment there is no one method what works 100% sure for an adult, but there are many great results what can indicate that we are in the edge of this. So please consult with your doctor and look after the workings methods and do the best what you think ad at the moment there is no one guaranteed method. I also can suggest a great n book this is Susan Barry-fixing my gaze.

      Best regards,
      Balazs B.

    1. Hi,
      I have got many positive feedback but of course you can not reach the whole steropsis with one app it iis a more more complex process. But at the moment this type of games can provide the best results. At the moment there is no one method what works 100% sure for an adult, but there are many great results what can indicate that we are in the edge of this. So please consult with your doctor and look after the workings methods and do the best what you think ad at the moment there is no one guaranteed method. I also can suggest a great n book this is Susan Barry-fixing my gaze.

      Best regards,
      Balazs B.

      1. Hello again,

        Can you add an option to the android version to make the background grey? Because I can easily see the other blocks with my good eye as being grey, and I don’t think that’s suppossed to happen.


      2. The white or the black basckground in general proper so maybe the choosen glasses not the best.
        But I will take into consideration thank you for your message

  23. Again thanks for the quick reply.

    I will change the glasses, but it would be nice to be able to change the contrast of the background, just like you do with the block color. Anyway, keep up the good work!

    1. In the future I will develop a new tetris game from zero to provide a platform independent game experience through all the popular platforms android, windows phone, windows 8 and iOS.
      In the new version I will implement that functinality as an advanced option if the two base is not fit for the user.

      1. I am super excited to hear you will be adding an iOS version, thank you! I will watch for it.

  24. Hi,

    vision is a complex thing if you have any concerns please consult with your eye doctor if you don’t then you can use the app on your own risk like any other vision therpay exercises or therapy tools please take it consideration.
    The age is of course is an important aspect.
    If you are younger then you have a lot more chance to go under a therapy successfully and to be not affected any side effects.

    1. Hello,

      When you release the new game ( or update this one ) can you add the cross that they’ve been using to allign the eyes? Because I see the falling blocks with my amblyopic eye too far from what I see with the good eye.


      1. Hi,
        I have not implemented cross to align the eyes.
        That type of cross would be a cheat beacuse you can easily adjust to see without the gaps and witout to force the eyes to see to the correct position. So that would make the game pointless and useless.
        In my game the blocks are in the correct positions and you have to force your eyes to see them as they are without gaps that is how the game works you also have to learn how to point your eyes to the correct positions (without cheat) and to see simultaneously.
        The idea to position the game object to an amblyopic or strabismic eye would make the game useless. The bad amblyopic or strabicmic eye have to be forced to point to the right direction. This can be work if you have a slight strabismus which is just a couple degree If you have severe strabismus then surgery can be the first step. Please consult with an optometrist to determine your exact condition.

    2. Hi,

      If you don’t allign the eyes with the cross, doesn’t that mean that the eyes will adapt to you seeing the blocks a little bit apart?

      Thank you.

      1. A cross just pointless makes the game useless as you do not have to adapt to any new thing and the eyes not forced to align well they will stay at the bad position without any force.
        The game similar than any other Vision Therapy exercise they all have impact to your vision (which worth something). Rarely about other vision therapy exercises was reported that they can cause double vision in some cases that a risk at every exercises what has any impact to vision and try to change it, cure it. That is why I suggest to use any game and any Vision Therapy exercise to to your own risk and consult periodically with an eye doctor and a vision therapist and if you have any bad experince or just not feel that is good then stop to apply the exercises.
        But I think these are rare cases and everybody have to have enough awareness to make the decisions and try to do the best for yourself and consult with doctors if needed or experienceing anything or start any exercises.

  25. Hello , I just wanted to the difference between the paid download and the the free download , does the free one have limited features?


  26. do they have to be the red and blue 3d glasses or can they be they black lens 3d glasses, the cinema doesnt do red and blue ones anymore?

    1. All versions works with anaglyph (e.g.: red\blue) glasses except windows 8 Lazy Eye Blocks 3D that can be used the cinema black passive glasses but of course you have to have a 3D display

  27. Hey thanks for the great games! I got a few questions. First of lazy eye snake for me feels better, is it as effective as lazy eye tetris? Secondly when i play it my worse right eye gets tired afrer a while and the apple isnt at that point where i see it to be but my brains wants me just target 1 pixel under where i see it to be and i get it.. is it effective? Lastly i have strabismus and playing tetris in my pc with 24″ screen make me have a double vision but not in phone. Is this normal or should i begin with phone ?

    1. Hi,
      thanks for your feedback first. Yes every puzzle game can be effective what is not too hard or complex to play but enough hard to be too easy and there is some challenge and eye moving.So both equally good. I wil also do a wall breaker in the future to not be so boring to play only 1-2 game. It is normal if you get tired then the brain can’t keep the better eye alignment but with time it is continouly increasing and you will be better to keep up the betterr eye alignment. Yes I suggest to use first mobile and after you mastered it you can switch more easily to a bigger display (tablet, monitor or tv).

  28. Hello, I downloaded this in august, paid version for Windows 8.1 and it doesn’t let me play it anymore. What happened?

  29. I have modern style 3D glasses they use in the cinema, but does this only work with the old-style 3D glasses where one lens is red and the other is blue? Where can I purchase 3D glasses that are suitable. I want to run your app on my iPad Air – will it work okay on this device?

  30. Hi Balazs,
    checked out the Tetris game and got a question for you. The prototype app dr Hess used is a bit different in the visbility of the blocks. You are using only one color for the buried block in the bottom (not visible for one eye), the Hess prototype app uses a combination of “colors” allowing the amblyopic eye to see parts of the buried blocks together with the falling one. Can you fix that in your app (maybe as an optional setting)? That would be great.

    Also one thing to point out is that the blocks visible to the fellow eye should be in lower contrast than the ones presented to the amblyopic eye, that should be possible to adjust with the color settings but might be good to add as as a default setting.

    Otherwise I’m looking forward to start using the app, great work.

    1. Hi,

      it is not the same app because the game concept is not new to separate the two sides for each eye. If you familiar with Vision Therapy then you should know similar exercises based on the same concept and implementation. So it is more like a VT exercise what proved it’s success for many years.
      So I just want to point that there are differences and there is not only one way what can help the eyes with success. Like these Tetris like application or as the Oculus Rift game Diplopia.
      So more VT apps mean more wider range to cover the possibilities and cure fully the eye coordination.
      Your suggestions are good and will take into consideration to implement them and test them.

      Thanks so much for your feedback I appreciate it

      Kind regards,
      Balazs B.

      1. Thanks Balazs for the quick feedback, looking forward to an app update if you’re successful.

  31. Do you think this would help in playing golf? I’m 66 and was born with ‘Lazy Eye’, I’ve had surgery on the eye muscles at age 8 to improve cosmetics. I would love to improve my binocular vision and depth perception. Your thoughts?

    Thanks, Danimal

    1. Vision Therapy is tipically used in sports like Golf or baseball to improve depth perception. The game is a kind of Vision Therapy exercise so yes of course it can help to improve binocular vision and depth perception. In your case if the surgery was only cosmetic and binocular vision did not evolved then to cure this state can be a long process.
      Kind regards,
      Balazs B.

  32. Hey you!
    I just wondered wether I could ask a few questions?
    I have amblyopia in my left eye with myopia 30-35 percent and my right eye’s good. Will this game help me?
    I’m getting desperate now.

    1. What kind of 3d glasses should I use?
    2. I’ve an Android device and downloaded both free versionsnummer from Google play “lazy eye snake” and “lazy eye blocka”. Are they going to help me?
    3. How soon should I be able too see results, and can this app restore vision back to 20/20?
    4. Have anyone succeed yet?

    Thank you, looks really good!

    1. Hi,

      yes the games can improve your condition and eyesight too. In general you should notice impovments after 2-3 weeks. I got many positive feedbacks and stories what showed improvment like 20/400 eyes to 20/20 but of course not everybody react the same way but as you can see also from the reviews I get mostly positive feedbacks.
      Regardsing the glasses:

      Kind regards,
      Balazs B.

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